Primary Accounts

This page contains API details for primary accounts

Primary Accounts

Primary accounts can be used for a variety of purposes, such as facilitating cross-border transactions, receiving payments from multiple sources, and managing finances for e-commerce businesses.


Please contact your account manager to ensure you have the correct setup for primary account safe-guarding.

We usually create these accounts within a regulated banking environments backed by safe-guarded accounts. Each account can only have one currency, all the payments and transactions from/to these accounts must be in the account currency.

Account Identifiers

Account identifiers used for inbound and outbound payment routing purposes. These identifiers attached automatically upon successful account creation. Primary account will have at least one account identifier.

Supported Identifiers

  • Sort Code and Account Number

  • IBAN and BIC

Supported Currencies & Payment Routing

Following identifiers will be added by default based on currency and product code used in primary account creation.

Please contact to account manager if you need any other currencies or account identifiers.

Create Primary Account

You need to specify account currency, and product code. If you don't have a product code, please contact your account manager to get one.

Last updated